ACA 2020
Exhibition: January 23, 2021 - March 18, 2021
The awards show and opening of ACA 2020 was a tremendous achievement for our industry! In the middle of a global pandemic, we were able to celebrate artists and their love and passion for their craft in ways that many didn't think possible. We've been doing this for 11 years, but somehow this year felt a bit more emotional and necessary.
Please browse the gallery below where you will see all of the award winners work.
And, if you love the work as much as we do, and want to continue seeing more follow us on all of our social channels.
2020 Entrants2020 WinnersACA 2020 AWARDS
NOTE: Due to the continued sales of the art exhibited at Art Comes Alive 2020 the works shown in the collection below might not be the work which sold or placed for an award, but instead represents the body of work presented for the competition by the awarded artist.
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